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姓名:贺圣平/HE Shengping

职 称:

研究方向: 北极变化及其与中纬度遥相关(Arctic changes and its teleconnection with mid-latitudes);机器学习与气候预测(Machine Learning and climate prediction)

研究背景(Research Area)

主要从事气候动力学研究,领域包括东亚冬季风变异及其与热带、中高纬气候系统间的大气遥相关,北极增暖和北极海冰减少与欧亚气候的关系(I have the main expertises in climate dynamics and my research interests include the variability of East Asian winter monsoon and its remote connection with the tropical and mid-high latitude climate systems, and the relationship of the Arctic warming and Arctic sea ice decline with the Eurasian climate)。

担任联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)2019年特别报告《气候变化中的海洋与冰冻圈》第三章“极地区域”章节科学家;参与世界自然基金会(World Wide Fund for Nature)“北极保护预测(Arctic Conservation Forecast)”项目(2020-2021),承担北极气候变化和气候预估分析任务,该项目包括来自耶鲁大学等20 家国际大学和研究机构,旨在研究未来北极生态系统与气候变化的联系;参与“中−挪气候遥相关与预测合作关系(Chinese-Norwegian partnership in climate teleconnection and prediction)项目”(2017-2022);主持国家自然科学基金两项(青年科学基金;面上项目基金);参与国家重点研发计划项目2项、国家自然科学基金4项;在国内外主流学术期刊发表同行评议论文50余篇,总计被引超过1000次(https://publons.com/researcher/1661006/shengping-he/);担任国际学术期刊包括Nature Climate Change等审稿人;与世界自然基金会(奥斯陆)、挪威南森环境与遥感中心、挪威大气研究所、挪威气象研究所、英国埃克塞特大学、美国科罗拉多州立大学、南京信息工程大学、中山大学、中国科学院国家空间科学中心等单位建立合作。
I was a Chapter Scientist for the Chapter 3 'Polar Region' of the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing launched by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2019. During 2020-2021, I have participated in the 'Arctic Conservation Forecast' programme led by the World Wide Fund for Nature (Oslo) with the major tasks to analyse the Arctic climate change and climate project. This programme involves about 20 national and international insititutes/unversities including Yale Universtity, with the aim to evaluate the connection between the climate change and the ecosystem in the Arctic. Since 2017, I have been working in the 'Chinese-Norwegian partnership in climate teleconnection and prediction' funded by the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (2017-2022), promoting the Chinese-Norwegian student mobility. I have coordinated two projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Since 2012, I have published more than 50 peer reviewed journal articles which have been cited more than 1000 times (https://publons.com/researcher/1661006/shengping-he/). I have been active in reviewing activities at national and international journals including Nature Climate Change. Through the joint papers and projects, I have estabilished collaboration with the the World Wide Fund for Nature (Oslo), Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, University of Exeter, Colorado State University, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University and National Space Science Center-Chinese Academy of Sciences.


  1. Li, H., K. Fan, S. He, Y. Liu, X. Yuan and H. Wang, 2021: Intensified impacts of central Pacific ENSO on the reversal of December and January surface air temperature anomaly over China since 1997. Journal of Climate, 34 (5), 1601-1618.
  2. Li, J., F. Li, S. He, H. Wang and Y. J. Orsolini, 2021: The Atlantic Multidecadal Variability Phase Dependence of Teleconnection between the North Atlantic Oscillation in February and the Tibetan Plateau in March. Journal of Climate, 34 (11), 4227-4242.
  3. Li, H., S. He, K. Fan, Y. Liu and X. Yuan, 2021: Recent Intensified Influence of the Winter North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature on the Mei-Yu Withdrawal Date. Journal of Climate, 34 (10), 3869-3887.
  4. Xu, X., S. He, Y. Gao, B. Zhou and H. Wang, 2021: Contributors to linkage between Arctic warming and East Asian winter climate. Climate Dynamics, 1-13.


  1. He, S., H. Wang, F. Li, H. Li and C. Wang, 2020: Solar-wind–magnetosphere energy influences the interannual variability of the northern-hemispheric winter climate. National Science Review, 7 (1), 141-148.
  2. Shen, H., F. Li, S. He, Y. J. Orsolini and J. Li, 2020: Impact of late spring Siberian snow on summer rainfall in South-Central China. Climate Dynamics, 1-16.
  3. Liu, Y. and S. He, 2020: Strengthened Linkage between November/December North Atlantic Oscillation and Subsequent January European Precipitation after the Late 1980s. Journal of Climate, 33 (19), 8281-8300.
  4. He, S., X. Xu, T. Furevik and Y. Gao, 2020: Eurasian cooling linked to the vertical distribution of Arctic warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (10), e2020GL087212.
  5. Li, S., S. He, F. Li and H. Wang, 2020: Precursor in Arctic oscillation for the East Asian January temperature and its relationship with stationary planetary waves: Results from CMIP5 models. International Journal of Climatology, 40 (3), 1492-1511.
  6. Lü, Z., F. Li, Y. J. Orsolini, Y. Gao and S. He, 2020: Understanding of european cold extremes, sudden stratospheric warming, and siberian snow accumulation in the winter of 2017/18. Journal of Climate, 33 (2), 527-545.
  7. Li, J., F. Li, S. He, H. Wang and Y. J. Orsolini, 2020: Influence of December snow cover over North America on January surface air temperature over the midlatitude Asia. International Journal of Climatology, 40 (1), 572-584.
  8. Li, H., S. He, Y. Gao, H. Chen and H. Wang, 2020: North Atlantic modulation of interdecadal variations in hot drought events over northeastern China. Journal of Climate, 33 (10), 4315-4332.
  9. Xu, X., S. He, T. Furevik, Y. Gao, H. Wang, F. Li and F. Ogawa, 2020: Oceanic forcing of the global warming slowdown in multi‐model simulations. International Journal of Climatology, 40 (14), 5829-5842.
  10. Xu, X., S. He and H. Wang, 2020: Relationship between Solar Wind—Magnetosphere Energy and Eurasian Winter Cold Events. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 37, 652-661.


  1. Hao, X., S. He, H. Wang and T. Han, 2019: Quantifying the contribution of anthropogenic influence to the East Asian winter monsoon in 1960–2012. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19 (15), 9903-9911.
  2. Han, T., S. He, H. Wang and X. Hao, 2019: Variation in principal modes of midsummer precipitation over Northeast China and its associated atmospheric circulation. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 36 (1), 55-64.
  3. Shen, H., S. He and H. Wang, 2019: Effect of summer Arctic sea ice on the reverse August precipitation anomaly in eastern China between 1998 and 2016. Journal of Climate, 32 (11), 3389-3407.
  4. Liu, Y., S. He, F. Li, H. Wang and Y. Zhu, 2019: Unstable relationship between the Arctic Oscillation and East Asian jet stream in winter and possible mechanisms. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 135 (1), 13-27.
  5. Yang, R., J. Wang, T. Zhang and S. He, 2019: Change in the relationship between the Australian summer monsoon circulation and boreal summer precipitation over Central China in the late 1990s. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 131 (1), 105-113.
  6. Lü, Z., S. He, F. Li and H. Wang, 2019: Impacts of the autumn Arctic sea ice on the intraseasonal reversal of the winter Siberian high. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 36 (2), 173-188.
  7. Li, H., C. Wang, S. He, H. Wang, C. Tu, J. Xu, F. Li and X. Guo, 2019: Plausible modulation of solar wind energy flux input on global tropical cyclone activity. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 192, 104775.
  8. Li, H., S. He, K. Fan and H. Wang, 2019: Relationship between the onset date of the Meiyu and the South Asian anticyclone in April and the related mechanisms. Climate Dynamics, 52 (1), 209-226.
  9. He, S., H. Wang, Y. Gao and F. Li, 2019: Recent intensified impact of December Arctic Oscillation on subsequent January temperature in Eurasia and North Africa. Climate Dynamics, 52 (1), 1077-1094.
  10. Xu, X., S. He, Y. Gao, T. Furevik, H. Wang, F. Li and F. Ogawa, 2019: Strengthened linkage between midlatitudes and Arctic in boreal winter. Climate Dynamics, 53 (7), 3971-3983.


  1. He, S., E. M. Knudsen, D. W. Thompson and T. Furevik, 2018: Evidence for Predictive Skill of High‐Latitude Climate Due to Midsummer Sea Ice Extent Anomalies. Geophysical Research Letters, 45 (17), 9114-9122.
  2. Hu, C., C. Zhang, S. Yang, D. Chen and S. He, 2018: Perspective on the northwestward shift of autumn tropical cyclogenesis locations over the western North Pacific from shifting ENSO. Climate Dynamics, 51 (7), 2455-2465.
  3. Li, F., Y. J. Orsolini, H. Wang, Y. Gao and S. He, 2018a: Atlantic multidecadal oscillation modulates the impacts of Arctic sea ice decline. Geophysical Research Letters, 45 (5), 2497-2506.
  4. Li, F., Y. J. Orsolini, H. Wang, Y. Gao and S. He, 2018b: Modulation of the Aleutian–Icelandic low seesaw and its surface impacts by the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 35 (1), 95-105.
  5. Li, S., S.-P. HE, F. Li and H.-J. WANG, 2018: Simulated and projected relationship between the East Asian winter monsoon and winter Arctic Oscillation in CMIP5 models. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 11 (5), 417-424.
  6. Tingting, H., H. Shengping, H. Xin and W. Huijun, 2018: Recent interdecadal shift in the relationship between Northeast China’s winter precipitation and the North Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Climate Dynamics, 50 (3), 1413-1424.
  7. Wei, T., S. He, Q. Yan, W. Dong and X. Wen, 2018: Decadal shift in west China autumn precipitation and its association with sea surface temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123 (2), 835-847.
  8. Han, T., S. He, H. Wang and X. Hao, 2018: Enhanced influence of early-spring tropical Indian Ocean SST on the following early-summer precipitation over Northeast China. Climate Dynamics, 51 (11), 4065-4076.
  9. Hao, X., S. He, T. Han and H. Wang, 2018: Impact of global oceanic warming on winter Eurasian climate. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 35 (10), 1254-1264.
  10. HE, S.-P., H.-J. Wang, Y.-Q. GAO, F. Li, H. Li and C. Wang, 2018: Influence of solar wind energy flux on the interannual variability of ENSO in the subsequent year. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 11 (2), 165-172.
  11. Xu, X., S. He, F. Li and H. Wang, 2018: Impact of northern Eurasian snow cover in autumn on the warm Arctic–cold Eurasia pattern during the following January and its linkage to stationary planetary waves. Climate Dynamics, 50 (5), 1993-2006.
  12. He, S., Y. Gao, T. Furevik, H. Wang and F. Li, 2018: Teleconnection between sea ice in the Barents Sea in June and the Silk Road, Pacific–Japan and East Asian rainfall patterns in August. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 35 (1), 52-64.
  13. Xu, X., F. Li, S. He and H. Wang, 2018: Subseasonal reversal of East Asian surface temperature variability in winter 2014/15. ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 35, 1–16.
  14. Xu, L., S. He, F. Li, J. Ma and H. Wang, 2018: Numerical simulation on the southern flood and northern drought in summer 2014 over Eastern China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 134 (3), 1287-1299.


  1. Liu, Y., S. He, F. Li, H. Wang and Y. Zhu, 2017: Interdecadal change between the Arctic Oscillation and East Asian climate during 1900–2015 winters. International Journal of Climatology, 37 (14), 4791-4802.
  2. Hao, X., S. He, H. Wang and T. Han, 2017: The impact of long-term oceanic warming on the Antarctic Oscillation in austral winter. Scientific reports, 7 (1), 1-6.
  3. Hao, X. and S. He, 2017: Combined effect of ENSO-like and Atlantic multidecadal oscillation SSTAs on the interannual variability of the East Asian winter monsoon. Journal of Climate, 30 (7), 2697-2716.
  4. He, S., Y. Liu and H. Wang, 2017: Connection between the Silk Road Pattern in July and the following January temperature over East Asia. Journal of Meteorological Research, 31 (2), 378-388.
  5. He, S., Y. Gao, F. Li, H. Wang and Y. He, 2017: Impact of Arctic Oscillation on the East Asian climate: A review. Earth-Science Reviews, 164, 48-62.


  1. Hao, X., S. He and H. Wang, 2016: Asymmetry in the response of central Eurasian winter temperature to AMO. Climate Dynamics, 47 (7), 2139-2154.
  2. He, S. and H. Wang, 2016: Linkage between the East Asian January temperature extremes and the preceding Arctic Oscillation. International Journal of Climatology, 36 (2), 1026-1032.
  3. Hao, X., F. Li, J. Sun, H. Wang and S. He, 2016: Assessment of the response of the East Asian winter monsoon to ENSO‐like SSTAs in three US CLIVAR Project models. International Journal of Climatology, 36 (2), 847-866.
  4. Wang, H. and S. He, 2015: The north China/northeastern Asia severe summer drought in 2014. Journal of Climate, 28 (17), 6667-6681.
  5. Gao, Y., J. Sun, F. Li, S. He, S. Sandven, Q. Yan, Z. Zhang, K. Lohmann, N. Keenlyside and T. Furevik, 2015: Arctic sea ice and Eurasian climate: A review. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 32 (1), 92-114.
  6. Wang, H. and S. He, 2013: The increase of snowfall in Northeast China after the mid-1980s. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58 (12), 1350-1354.
  7. Wang, H., S. He and J. Liu, 2013: Present and future relationship between the East Asian winter monsoon and ENSO: Results of CMIP5. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118 (10), 5222-5237.
  8. He, S. and H. Wang, 2013a: Oscillating relationship between the East Asian winter monsoon and ENSO. Journal of Climate, 26 (24), 9819-9838.
  9. He, S. and H. Wang, 2013b: Impact of the November/December Arctic oscillation on the following January temperature in East Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118 (23), 12,981-12,998.
  10. He, S., H. Wang and J. Liu, 2013: Changes in the relationship between ENSO and Asia–Pacific midlatitude winter atmospheric circulation. Journal of Climate, 26 (10), 3377-3393.
  11. He, S., 2013: Reduction of the East Asian winter monsoon interannual variability after the mid-1980s and possible cause. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58 (12), 1331-1338.
  12. Wang, H. and S. He, 2012: Weakening relationship between East Asian winter monsoon and ENSO after mid-1970s. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57 (27), 3535-3540.
  13. He, S. and H. Wang, 2012: Analysis of the decadal and interdecadal variations of the East Asian winter monsoon as simulated by 20 coupled models in IPCC AR4. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 26 (4), 476-488.



  1. 2022.06-2026.05, 项目负责人(project leader),挪威研究理事会(The Research Council of Norway):Mechanism and prediction of the new Arctic climate system (MAPARC)
  2. 2021.11-2025.11,项目负责人(project leader),挪威研究理事会(The Research Council of Norway):Climate response to a bluer Arctic with increased newly-formed winter sea ice (BASIC)
  3. 2019.01-2022.12,项目负责人 (project leader) ,国家自然科学基金面上项目( National Natural Science Foundation of China):冬季欧亚次季节气候的变化成因及预测模型研究( Mechanisms and prediction on the sub-seasonal change of Eurasian winter climate )
  4. 2015.01-2018.12,项目负责人 (project leader) ,国际自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 ( National Natural Science Foundation of China):北极涛动对冬季东亚次季节天气气候影响的年代际变化研究(Interdecadal change in the impact of Arctic Oscillation on the East Asian wintertime sub-seasonal weather and climate)