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新论文介绍:The Intraseasonal Oscillation And Its Interannual Variability - A Simulation Study

[发布日期: 2014-12-30 浏览量 1107]

The atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) and its interannual variability are simulated by the atmospheric circulation mode, which was developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics. Two numerical experiments were performed, corresponding to the AMIP-I and AMIP-II simulations, respectively. The model reasonable reproduces the majao aspects of the ontraseasonal oscillation, including the propagating property and the seasonal differences in the tropics, the wavenumber structure of ISO in the globe,and the globle coincidence in the interannual variation of ISO. Comparison of the results between the two experiments suggests that improvement of the boundary forcing or condifering the air-sea interaction may help to improve the simulation on the ISO and its interannual variability.