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姓名:王娜/WANG Na
职 称:博士后/Postdoc
研究方向: 古气候模拟, 大尺度环流, 气候动力学/ Paleoclimate Modeling, Large-scale Circulation, Climate Dynamics
1. Wang, N., D. Jiang, and X. Lang, 2018: Northern westerlies during the Last Glacial Maximum: Results from CMIP5 simulations. Journal of Climate, 31(3), 1135–1153.
2. Wang, N., D. Jiang, and X. Lang, 2018: Metric-dependent tendency of tropical belt width changes during the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Climate, 31(20), 8527–8540.
3. Wang, N., D. Jiang, and X. Lang, 2020: Mechanisms for spatially inhomogeneous changes in East Asian summer monsoon precipitation during the mid-Holocene. Journal of Climate, 33(8), 2945–2965.
4. Wang, N., D. Jiang, and X. Lang, 2020: Seasonality in the response of East Asian westerly jet to the mid-Holocene forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD033003.
5. Jiang. D., and N. Wang, 2020: A perspective on climate sensitivity. Solid Earth Sciences, 5(4), 254–257.主持及参与项目