中心成员 / Center members

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姓名:刘兆晨/Liu Zhaochen

职 称:

职 位:博士后/Postdoc

研究方向: 气候变化,平流层气溶胶注入,地球工程/ Climate change, Stratospheric aerosol injection, Geoengineering









[1] Liu Z, Lang X, and Jiang D, 2021: Impact of stratospheric aerosol injection geoengineering on the summer climate over East Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126: e2021JD035049.

[2] Liu Z, Lang X, and Jiang D, 2022: Impact of stratospheric aerosol intervention geoengineering on surface air temperature in China: A surface energy budget perspective. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22: 7667-7680.

[3] Liu Z, Lang X, Miao J, and Jiang D, 2023: Impact of stratospheric aerosol injection on the East Asian winter monsoon. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102109.

[4] Liu Z, Lang X, and Jiang D, 2024: Stratospheric aerosol injection geoengineering would mitigate greenhouse gas‐induced drying and affect global drought patterns. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres129: e2023JD039988.

[5] Wang L, Liu ZLang X, and Jiang D, 2023: Understanding surface air temperature cold bias over China in CMIP6 models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, e2023JD039515.

  • 2024.01 – 2026.12   国家自然科学基金委青年科学基金项目 (30万), 主持
