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姓名:司东/Dong Si
职 称:研究员/Professor
研究方向: 年代际气候变化、气候模拟及预测、东亚季风、灾害性天气气候机理
2022.01—今, 中国科学院大气物理研究所,研究员
Han, Y., D. Jiang, D. Si, Y. Ma, W. Ma, W. Hu, 2024: Influence of winter northern Eurasian snow depth on the early summer Tibetan Plateau heat source during 1950-2019. Climate Dynamics, 62, 4253–4266.
Han, Y., D. Jiang, D. Si, Y. Ma, W. Ma, 2024: Time-lagged effects of spring atmospheric heat source over the Tibetan Plateau on summer precipitation in Northeast China during 1961‒2020: Role of soil moisture. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 41(8), 1527–1538.
姜大膀,司东,缪家鹏,2024: 大西洋多年代际振荡对东亚气候影响的综述.大气科学,48(1), 261–272.
张强,李栋梁,姚玉碧,王芝兰,王莺,王静,王劲松,王素萍,岳平,王慧,韩兰英,司东,李清泉,曾刚,王欢,2024:干旱形成机制与预测理论方法及其灾害风险特征研究进展与展望.气象学报,82(1), 1–21.
Si, D., A. Hu, D. Jiang, et al., 2023: Atmospheric teleconnection associated with the Atlantic multidecadal variability in summer: Assessment of the CESM1 model. Climate Dynamics, 60(3-4), 1043–1060.
Yu, L., D. Si*, D. Jiang, Y. Ding, et al., 2023: Tibetan Plateau Booster Effect on the Influence of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the East Asian Summer Rainfall. Journal of Climate, 36(10), 3437–3452.
Si, D., and L. Yu, 2023: Impact of the Atlantic multidecadal variability on East Asian summer climate in idealized simulations. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. 16(5), 100399. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aosl.2023.100399
Yu, L., D. Si*, X. Shen, et al., 2023: Impact of Tibetan Plateau vertical heating on the Asian summer monsoon on the interdecadal scale. Atmospheric Science Letters, 24(3):e1140.
Yao, S., X. Lang, D. Si, et al., 2023: Moisture sources of summer heavy precipitation in two spatial patterns over Northeast China during 1979–2021. Atmospheric Science Letters, https://doi.org/10.1002/asl.1181.
Ge, Y., J. Miao, X. Lang, D. Si, and D. Jiang, 2023: Combined Impacts of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on Summer Precipitation in Eastern China During the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 128(16), 1–22.
Zhang, Y., D. Si*, Y. Ding, et al., 2022: Influence of Major Stratospheric Sudden Warming on the Unprecedented East Asian Cold Wave in January 2021. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 39(4), 576–590.
Zhang, Y., D. Si*, Y. Liu, et al., 2022: The stratosphere-troposphere synergetic effect on the extreme low temperature event over China in late November 2022. Advances in Climate Change Research, 14(5), 671-680.
Si, D., D. Jiang, and Y. Ding, 2021: Synergistic Impacts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans on the Interdecadal Variations of Summer Rainfall in Northeast Asia. Journal of Meteorological Research, 35(5), 844–856.
Si, D., D. Jiang, X. Lang, and S. Fu, 2021: Unprecedented North American snowstorm and East Asian cold wave in January 2016: Critical role of the Arctic atmospheric circulation. Atmospheric Science Letters, 22(11), e1056, https://doi.org/ 10.1002/asl.1056.
Si, D., Y. Ding, and D. Jiang, 2021: A low-frequency downstream development process leading to the outbreak of a mega-cold wave event in East Asia. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 99(5), 1185–1200.
Si, D., D. Jiang, A. Hu, et al., 2021: Variations in Northeast Asian Summer Precipitation driven by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. International Journal of Climatology, 41(3), 1682–1695.
Si, D., D. Jiang, and H. Wang, 2020: Intensification of the Atlantic multidecadal variability since 1870: Implications and possible causes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125(11), e2019JD030977.
Xu, Y., P. Zhao*, D. Si*, L. Cao, X. Y. Wu, Y. F. Zhao, and N. Liu, 2020: Development and preliminary application of a gridded surface air temperature homogenized dataset for China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 139(1-2), 505–516.
Jiang, D., D. Si, and X. Lang, 2020: Evaluation of East Asian summer climate prediction from the CESM large-ensemble initialized decadal prediction project. Journal of Meteorological Research, 34(02), 67−78.
丁一汇, 李怡, 王遵娅, 司东, 柳艳菊, 2020: 亚非夏季风的年代际变化:大西洋多年代际振荡与太平洋年代际振荡的协同作用. 大气科学学报, 43(1), 20–32.
Si, D., A. Hu, H. J. Wang, and Q. C. Chao, 2019: Predicting the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability from initialized simulations. Journal of Climate, 32(24), 8701–8711.
Si, D., P. Zhao, and M. Wang, 2019: Inter-decadal change of the middle-upper tropospheric land-sea thermal contrast in the late 1990s and the associated Northern Hemisphere hydroclimate. International Journal of Climatology, 39(7), 3271–3281.
丁一汇, 司东, 柳艳菊, 等, 2018: 论东亚夏季风的特征、驱动力与年代际变化. 大气科学, 42(3), 533–558.
Si, D., and A. Hu, 2017: Internally generated and externally forced multidecadal oceanic modes and their influence on the summer rainfall over East Asia. Journal of Climate, 30(20), 8299–8316.
Si, D., and Y. H. Ding, 2016: Oceanic forcings of the interdecadal variability in East Asian summer rainfall. Journal of Climate, 29(21), 7633–7649.
Si, D., Z. Z. Hu, A. Kumar, B. Jha, P. Peng, W. Wang, and R. Han, 2016: Is the interdecadal variation of the summer rainfall over eastern China associated with SST. Climate Dynamics, 46(1-2), 135–146.
Hu, Y., D. Si*, Y. Liu, and L. Zhao, 2016: Investigations on moisture transports, budgets and sources responsible for the decadal variability of precipitation in southern China. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 22(3), 402–411.
Han, R., H. Wang, Z. Z. Hu, A. Kumar, W. Li, L. Long, J. K. E. Schemm, P. T. Peng, W. Q. Wang, D. Si, X. L. Jia, M. Zhao, G. A. Vecchi, T. E. Larow, Y. K. Lim, S. D. Schubert, S. J. Camargo, N. Henderson, J. A. Jonas, and K. J. E. Walsh, 2016: An assessment of multimodel simulations for the variability of western North Pacific tropical cyclones and its association with ENSO. Journal of Climate, 29(18), 6401–6423.
Fu, S., D. Li, J. Sun, D. Si, J. Ling, and F. Tian, 2016: A 31-year trend of the hourly precipitation over South China and the underlying mechanisms. Atmospheric Science Letters, 17(3), 216–222.
司东, 马丽娟, 王朋岭, 王艳娇, 聂羽, 孙冷, 2016: 2015/2016年冬季北极涛动异常活动及其对我国气温的影响. 气象, 42(7), 892–897.
Ding, Y., D. Si, Y. Sun, Y. Liu, and Y. Song, 2014: Inter-decadal variations, causes and future projection of the Asian summer monsoon. Engineering Sciences, 12(02), 22–28.
丁一汇, 柳艳菊, 梁苏洁, 马晓青, 张颖娴, 司东, 梁萍, 宋亚芳, 张锦, 2014: 东亚冬季风的年代际变化及其与全球气候变化的可能联系. 气象学报, 72(05), 835–852.
司东, 李清泉, 柳艳菊, 王遵娅, 袁媛, 王东阡, 2014: 2013/2014年东亚冬季风异常偏弱的可能成因. 气象, 40(7), 891–897.
Ding, Y. H., Y. J. Liu, S. J. Liang, X. Q. Ma, Y. X. Zhang, D. Si, P. Liang, Y. F. Song, and J. Zhang, 2014: Interdecadal variability of the East Asian winter monsoon and its possible links to global climate change. Journal of Meteorological Research, 28(5), 693–713.
Si, D., and Y. H. Ding, 2013: Decadal change in the correlation pattern between the Tibetan Plateau winter snow and the East Asian summer precipitation during 1979-2011. Journal of Climate, 26(19), 7622–7634.
丁一汇, 孙颖, 刘芸芸, 司东, 王遵娅, 朱玉祥, 柳艳菊, 宋亚芳, 张锦, 2013: 亚洲夏季风的年际和年代际变化及其未来预测. 大气科学, 37(2), 253–280.
李清泉, 孙丞虎, 袁媛, 司东, 王东阡, 王艳姣, 郭艳君, 柳艳菊, 任福民, 周兵, 王朋岭, 2013: 近20年我国气候监测诊断业务技术的主要进展. 应用气象学报, 24(6), 666–676.
Si, D., and Y. H. Ding, 2012: The Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation in the East Asian Monsoon Region and Its Influence on the Precipitation in China and Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation in East Asia. International Journal of Climatology, 32(11), 1697–1716.
Si, D., and Y. H. Ding, 2012: A numerical simulation of the impact of tropical western Pacific sst anomalies on the decadal shift of the Meiyu belt. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 26(4), 467–475.
司东, 柳艳菊, 马丽娟, 王艳娇, 王遵娅, 唐进跃, 2012: 2011年初夏我国长江中下游降水的气候特征及成因. 气象, 38(5), 601–607.
王丽娟, 何金海, 司东, 温敏, 钟珊珊, 2010: 东北冷涡过程对江淮梅雨期降水的影响机制. 大气科学学报, 33(1), 89–97.
Si, D., Y. H. Ding, and Y. J. Liu, 2009: Decadal northward shift of the Meiyu belt and the possible cause. Chinese Sci. Bull., 54(24), 4742–4748.
司东, 丁一汇, 柳艳菊, 2010: 中国梅雨雨带年代际尺度上的北移及其原因. 科学通报, 55(1), 68–73.
司东, 丁一汇, 柳艳菊, 2009: 全球海气耦合模式(BCC_CM1.0)对江淮梅雨降水预报的检验. 气象学报, 67(6), 947–960.
Si, D., H. M. Xu, M. Wen, and J. H. He, 2008: Analysis of the westward extension of western pacific subtropical high during a heavy rain period over southern China in June 2005. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 14(2), 93–96.
司东, 温敏, 徐海明, 何金海, 2008: 2005年6月华南暴雨期间西太平洋副高西伸过程分析. 热带气象学报, 24(2), 169–175.
许晓林, 徐海明, 司东, 2007: 华南6月持续性致洪暴雨与孟加拉湾对流异常活跃的关系.南京气象学院学报, 30(4), 463–471.
2.国家自然基金青年项目“对流层高层海陆热力差异对20世纪90年代末东亚夏季风及中国夏季降水年代际变化的影响研究”, 2015-2017年,主持.
3.国家自然基金重大项目课题“北极海-冰-气系统对冬季欧亚大陆极端天气、气候事件的影响及机理 ”, 2018-2022年,骨干.
4.中科院先导专项A子课题“青藏高原热源的长期变化及其与亚非季风系统的关系 ”,2018-2022年,骨干.