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[发布日期: 2023-09-07 浏览量 3116]





Although the rising trend of the global mean surface temperature over the past decades is relatively well understood, it remains uncertain whether the associated climate extremes will become more frequent. Changes in temperature variabilities, which can substantially alter climate extremes, may exert considerable influences on human societies and species. Despite the importance of temperature variabilities, how temperature variability will evolve under the latest future pathways remains unclear, and thus, it is imperative to use state-of-the-art models to project global changes in temperature variability and underlying processes.

We investigate the interannual variability of surface air temperature in the 21st century using the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) model data under three shared socioeconomic pathways (SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5). Relative to 1961−2014, the interannual variability of annual temperature is projected to increase by 6%, 6%, and 12% globally in the 2051−2100 period under the SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, respectively, with an average increase of 10%−22% in low latitudes and decrease of 3%−28% in high-latitude oceans. The spatial pattern of wintertime variability changes is mainly determined by variations in the meridional temperature gradient. Sea ice losses and variations in snow extent in the mid to high latitudes are both related with large variability decreases according to analysis of the underlying surface. In South America and South Africa, the variability enhancement is related to the adjustment of the wet–dry status, while that in South Asia and central Africa depends more on the positive longwave radiative effect due to the increase in clouds. In tropical oceans, the increases in sea surface temperature variabilities and air–sea interactions dominate the enhanced surface air temperature variability.

1(a)年,(b)JJA,和(c)DJF平均下SSP5-8.5(2051−2100)与历史时期(1961−2014)地表气温方差比的32个模式平均结果,右侧为纬向平均值。在每张图中,方差比取log2值,因此图中−1,0,和1分别相当于方差比为1/2,1,和2的情况。32个模式中至少有23个模式变率变化方向一致的区域则打上阴影。蓝色和紫色粗线分别表示历史时期和未来情景下厚度大于1 cm的海冰边界。


Shi, J., Z. Tian, X. Lang, and D. Jiang, 2023: Projected changes in the interannual variability of surface air temperature using CMIP6 simulations. Climate Dynamics.