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[发布日期: 2014-12-30 浏览量 1383]
In this paper, the authors define the spring monsoon in South China, and study the climatology and the interannual variation through analysis of the precipitation and the related atmospheric circulation, as revealed by the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. The results indicate that the spring monsoon season in South China occurs climatologically in April and May, which is supported by both seasonal and interannual variation of the atmospheric circulation and precipitation. The related atmospheric circulation is different from that during the East Asian summer or winter monsoon season. The interannual variation of the spring monsoon rainfall in South China relates primarily to the anomalous circulation over the North Pacific, which is linked with the westerly jet over North Asia and with the polar vortex. It is also connected with sea surface temperature anomalies in the Pacific. Changes in the Asian tropical atmospheric circulation have little influence on the spring monsoon in South China according to this research.